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How to Delete Playlist on YouTube

Alan Anthony Catantan

If you want to learn how to delete a playlist on YouTube, you have come to the right place. The ability to create a playlist on YouTube not only helps you save different videos with the same topic or genre, but it also saves you time from finding them again after you play them.

Unfortunately, the time may come when you want to delete a playlist.

Step by Step Guide on How to Delete Playlist on YouTube

Saving a video to a playlist is easy. You will see a shining save to playlist button a click away from the video page. Unfortunately, deleting the playlist requires you to explore your YouTube account a little bit.

Here are the steps to delete a playlist on YouTube:

  1. Make sure that you are logged in on the YouTube account and channel with the playlist you want to delete.
  2. On the home page, click "Library" on the left-hand menu (between "Subscriptions" and "History").
  3. In your library, you will see your watch history, videos you saved to watch later, liked videos, and all of your playlists. Scroll down until you get to the playlist section.
  4. Under the playlist you want to delete, you will see a link that says "View Full Playlist". Click on that link (not on the video thumbnail as it will play the whole playlist for you).
  5. To delete the playlist, click the ellipsis icon (...) beside the share button (above the playlist description). Then, click the "Delete playlist" option.
  6. Confirm your intention to delete the playlist on the pop-up by clicking "Delete".

And that's all, now you know how to Delete a playlist on YouTube.

Use Stackbrowser to Get the Best YouTube Experience

As you can see, it's fairly easy to delete a YouTube playlist from your account and channel.

But did you know that there is a way for you to experience YouTube better? That is through the new Stackbrowser — a revolutionary browser that focuses on productivity and user experience.

With it, you can do things you normally can't do with a regular browser. For example, you can log in to multiple YouTube accounts and open different channels without the need to log out. As you already know how to Delete a playlist on YouTube, it's even much more comfortable with Stackbrowser.

Normally, you will have to either log out or login again to use another account for that website. The other choice is to use incognito mode or its equivalent — but that only limits you to one other account.

But with Stack, there's no need for that. Stack has a unique feature that would allow you to open a unique session of a website on every card (something like a tab or window on regular browsers).

The same feature applies to all other websites, not only YouTube. You can virtually open as many unique Facebook or Gmail accounts as you want and be able to view and use them all at once without logging out.

Aside from that, there's a whole bunch of awesome features waiting for you, like the "Switch" feature, which basically functions as the mother of shortcuts. You can get anywhere with the browser with a single shortcut.  

Now you know how to Delete a playlist on YouTube and you know about the Stack browser. If you’re eager to try it, make sure to request access to Stack Next straight away.

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