Multiple Screens with Microsoft Teams
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Solution for Managing Multiple Business Accounts of Microsoft Teams

Dachi Gubadze


Managing multiple business accounts on the same device is essential for many professionals today. Yet, with tools like Microsoft Teams, this task can become frustratingly complex, leading to a search for workarounds like virtual machines, switching between browsers, or incognito sessions.

Problem Statement:

Microsoft Teams currently allows only one business account per device, creating a roadblock for freelancers, consultants, and external employees who need to collaborate across different organizations.


First of all, if you've never heard of Stack, it's a browser, and we're just getting started on exploring all the improved ways of interacting with the web. Our goal is to reimagine how we experience the Internet, reflecting on what has changed in our digital habits, and aligning with this new status quo.

One aspect of our online lives that has become quite complex is managing multiple accounts. Many individuals now juggle multiple accounts for both work and personal purposes, leading to a growing need for improved account management.

That's why we implemented a feature in Stack that allows users to add multiple profiles. Each profile is a separate session with its own logins. Just follow the instructions here:

Managing Multiple Accounts

You can create a new profile from the card’s ••• three-dot menu (find it in the upper right corner of a card).

By creating a new profile you are starting an empty session

When you switch to a freshly created profile, it means you are starting from scratch, and when you log in, the information will be saved only under that specific profile/session.

The profiles you create will be saved across the entire app, allowing you to switch between profiles on any website whenever you want. This feature is particularly helpful if you wish to open websites with multiple accounts side-by-side.

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