Card Tabs
Card Tabs

Card Tabs

Since its conception, Stack has been all about organizing websites to minimize distractions and make context switching as smooth as possible. This approach has left almost no space for wandering. With that problem in mind, we wanted to add features that would allow you to browse without disrupting your neatly organized workspaces.

Card Tabs

The basic idea behind Card Tabs is that if you need to quickly look something up or open bunch of links you received, instead of opening a new card and messing your setup, you can do a side-search without leaving a current window.

🧹 Clear Tabs

Card with tabs have a clear button that removes all the extra tabs and resets your card to its original state. You can also use the shortcut for that ⌘ ⇧ K (or  ctrl ⇧ K on Windows)

🎲 Change Icon

The favicon of the primary(first) tab represents the card icon and is displayed in the Dock. You can set an emoji and change the name of it for better organization. Soon we will add uploading of custom icons as well.

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