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Multiple Evernote Accounts

Alan Anthony Catantan

Can you open multiple Evernote accounts at once on the same computer?

As you may know, Evernote is a powerful app made for note-taking, organizing projects, task management, and archiving. Using the app, you can collect and organize texts, pictures, videos, and audio recordings.

To use Evernote, you must register and create an account. Because of that, users are often limited to using the app one user at a time. Although you can have another instance of the app running on a certain browser, you’re most certainly limited to only opening another account.

But what if you want to open multiple Evernote accounts?

Stack is a different type of browser, which is more like an operating system for the internet. It’s wired differently than the other browsers out there. With Stack, you can open as many instances of Evernote as you want.

Not only that, Stack is named as such since you have cards aligned side-by-side, which you can stack into a row. Together, these rows of cards create a space, which feels like a three-dimensional operating system.

But how do you use Stack to open multiple Evernote accounts?

Here are the steps you need to follow:

  1. First, download the Stack browser. It’s available for free for both Windows and macOS users. Aside from the fact that you will need to open Evernote from the Stack browser, it’s easier when you’re reading the instruction here while doing them.
  2. Right after opening the browser, you will see the app launcher where you can open various apps and websites. By default, Evernote is not listed in the app list so you must open Evernote’s website on the form provided.
  3. The opened Evernote website is a session. Log in with a registered account.
  4. To make things easier, drag the right border of the card and minimize it so you can see more apps without having to side scroll. As with the previous step, open Evernote on the new card.
  5. On this session, Stack will automatically detect your current session and log you in directly on that card. To change that, click on the “three dots” at the top-right corner of the new Evernote card.
  6. On the options provided, you will see a “Private Session” at the bottom. Enable the feature by toggling the button. Immediately, the card will reset with a new, private session, that’s different from the one you logged in earlier.
  7. Once the card restarted, you will be able to log in with a different set of accounts. This will run independently with the first session or instance of the app. If you want to open more accounts, you can simply repeat the process described starting from the fourth step.

That’s virtually everything you need to do to open multiple Evernote accounts and use them at the same time. You can do this as many times as you want. You can get started by downloading the Stack browser now.

Can I use the Stack browser with other apps?

The cool thing about Stack is that it works with almost any other website or application. In fact, anything you can access with other browsers, you can do so with Stack. You can open any number of instances for any website.

For instance, you can use multiple instances of any social network apps you can think of including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. You can also do the same with any communication platforms and project management apps like Discord, Asana, and others.

You would be glad to know that opening multiple instances of other apps is fairly similar to the steps of opening multiple Evernote accounts.

If you’re eager to try it, make sure to request access to Stack Next straight away.

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